Profit Comes from Risk

May 23, 2021

Tags: Business Profit Risk

I push my advisory clients to give a lot more before they ask. What they have to give up early in perceived return is risky.

They have to put relationships, authority, costs of goods or any form of capital on the the line to sell.

As a child I watched a close eye on my father's business dealings. He was an unorthodox community man. His main trait was reciprocity, he'd give freely and willingly to get some sort of payment. It wasn't always monetary, bless him, but he is still getting paid 30 years later, in all sorts of creative payments.

There are people making regretful purchases, but that's normal when value trade off isn't immediate. But when my retainer product acts as fire insurance, you are risking a little bit of profit for brand integrity, guaranteed customer service and me being courteous enough to pick up the phone to help you make better informed decisions.

So what are you willing to give up to succeed? Is it everything? It just might be and you have to be willing.

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Profit Comes from Risk