Sphere of Expertise
July 21, 2021
The way you get the most visibility is what I like to call "getting people into your sphere of expertise".
This is simply getting somebody onto your newsletter.
The newsletter has become so much more than just a regular cadence email of thought leadership.
It's now: sequences of your best content grouped in emails, customer service, post-purchase, lead-nurture, second and third sales...See? So much more.
Once people are into your sphere, it's up to you to decide what to do. Speaking with Jesse Hanley (Founder of Bento, an email marketing platform), we decided that pushing people around your site was a form of passive profiling. So give them the path to get into their sphere of expertise and they can then be backdated with all their segmentation.
That is a rather advanced take on your marketing and most of you won't need it. But it's helpful in he early stages on building evangelism.
Let's take a look at the first steps in getting someone into your sphere then moving, then to higher value services.
Visibility – Being out in the market being provocative. Ads for scale, LinkedIn for thought leadership, speaking to show expertise, see more here.
Into the Sphere $0-$7 – Warming up the new subscriber. Could be a free course, offers that don’t simply say ‘newsletter’.
Product $17-$49 – Do it yourself
One-time Offer $274 – Accelerate the DIY offer with micro 1-on-1 or paid course
Productised Service $3,000-$10,000- Done with them
Custom project ($20,000) – Done for you